Why DIY Websites are a Game-Changer for New Entrepreneurs

By the Escaping Ordinary Collective

Picture This:

You're buzzing with that million-dollar idea, fueled by endless cups of coffee and a dream that just won't quit. You've got your social media game down, but now it's time to tackle the big one: your website. Trust us, we get it. And we're here to tell you that DIY-ing your first website is not just doable—it's downright smart.

Why DIY is Your BFF When You're Just Starting Out 🛠️

  • Let's get real. When you're in the startup phase:

  • You're still figuring out the nuts and bolts of your business.

  • Your ideal client is more of a sketch than a portrait.

  • Your processes are more like drafts than final copies.

  • Client experience? You're still in the rehearsal stage.

  • Your visual brand is a mood board, not a masterpiece.

  • Your budget is more "bootstrap" than "big bucks."

  • So, why not build a website that can grow with you?

  • The Perks of DIY-ing Your Website 🌟

1. Save That Cash Money 💰

Let's face it, a custom Squarespace site can cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. DIY-ing means you keep that money in your pocket and gain invaluable insights into how your website ticks.

2. Get to Market, Fast ⏱️

Your website is your ultimate marketing tool. The sooner it's live, the sooner you can start building your empire. Waiting on a designer can take months, but DIY? That's all on your timetable.

3. No "DIY" Stigma Here 🎨

Gone are the days when DIY meant "amateur." With a plethora of resources like YouTube tutorials, website templates, and yes, our Squarespace templates, your DIY site can look anything but homemade.

4. Flexibility is Your Middle Name 🤸‍♀️

Your business will evolve, and your website should too. DIY-ing gives you the agility to pivot, tweak, and revamp as you learn what works and what doesn't in your business.

5. Become the Master of Your Domain (Literally) 🌐

When you DIY, you're not just building a website; you're learning the ropes. You'll know your site inside and out, making updates a breeze rather than an email marathon with a designer.

The Bottom Line 🎯

DIY doesn't mean you're on your own. Our Squarespace templates are like your DIY cheat sheet, offering all the tools you need to build a pro-level website without the stress. Because let's be honest, there's nothing quite like the thrill of launching something you've built from scratch.


3 Free Tools to Unlock Your SEO Potential: A DIYer's Dream Guide


Elevating your Website with Video